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LangGraph - Own AI App Business Logic - 06 Multi-Agent Document RAG #ai #aiagents #llm
To explain multi-graph chaining for an advanced multi-agent system, like the one in this Creditizens Youtube video:
Multi-Agent Orchestration: In this system, multiple agents (or graphs) perform specialized tasks, allowing for a modular, decentralized approach to problem-solving. Each graph can be seen as an independent agent, handling a portion of the workload, such as processing user input, performing embeddings, retrieving information, or generating a report. These agents are connected in sequence, where the output of one graph serves as input for the next.
Modular Workflows: Each graph is specialized:
- Primary Graph: Handles user queries (like PDF, URL, or text), identifies the nature of the input, and delegates tasks to other specialized graphs.
- Embedding Graph: Processes chunks of data and saves them into vector databases like PostgreSQL with PGVector.
- Retrieval Graph: Retrieves data by searching first in the cache (Redis) and falling back to vector similarity search, eventually performing an internet search if no relevant results are found.
- Report Graph: Finally generates structured output (like a report) based on the retrieval results.
State and Environment Variable Management: The state is passed between graphs, allowing them to share context. In your case, you utilize environment variables to store intermediate results (such as embeddings, search results, etc.) between graphs. This method ensures that when one graph finishes its job, another can access those results without losing data. However, you encountered the issue of state resets between graphs. By utilizing environment variables or even a database for persistent state storage, the system can retain data across different graph executions.
Task Delegation and Result Passing: Once a graph finishes its job (e.g., embedding content from a PDF into PGVector), its result is used to trigger the next graph in the chain (e.g., the retrieval graph). This chaining approach ensures that complex workflows can be broken down into smaller, more manageable tasks, each handled by a separate graph. The output from one graph is then passed on, using environment variables or some persistent mechanism, to the next graph.
Error Handling and Fallback Mechanisms: Each graph can have its own error handling. For instance, if the retrieval graph fails to find relevant data in the cache or database, it can invoke an external search via the internet. This fallback mechanism ensures that user queries are resolved efficiently, even when traditional database searches come up empty.
Structured Output with Pydantic: The final agent (the Report Graph) uses Pydantic models to ensure that the report is well-structured and formatted. Structured output helps to maintain clarity and consistency in the response, making it easy to interpret by either users or other systems.
Key Advantages:
- Decoupling of Logic: Each graph handles a distinct portion of the overall task, making the system easier to maintain and expand.
- Scalability: By splitting work into multiple graphs, each graph can be scaled independently, allowing for optimized performance.
- Persistence: Storing intermediate results in environment variables or databases allows for persistence across workflows, ensuring no data is lost between graph transitions.
- Structured Output: Using Pydantic models for structured responses ensures the outputs are validated and follow a clear schema, making the final reports comprehensive and error-free.
This approach leads to a more modular, scalable, and robust multi-agent system that is both flexible and powerful for handling complex workflows like document processing, information retrieval, and report generation.
Go To @Creditizens Channel Or The See Video:
Code Example, `embedding_subgraph.py`:
import os
import json
# LLM chat AI, Human, System
from langchain_core.messages import (
from typing import Dict, List, Any, Optional, Union
# Prompts LAngchain and Custom
from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate
# Tools
from app_tools.app_tools import (
# internet node & internet llm binded tool
# Node Functions from App.py
Maybe will have to move those functions OR to a file having all node functions OR to the corresponding graph directly
from app_utils import (
# LLMs
from llms.llms import (
# for graph creation and management
from langgraph.checkpoint import MemorySaver
from langgraph.graph import END, StateGraph, MessagesState
# display drawing of graph
from IPython.display import Image, display
# env vars
from dotenv import load_dotenv, set_key
# load env vars
load_dotenv(dotenv_path='.env', override=False)
load_dotenv(dotenv_path=".vars.env", override=True)
def message_to_dict(message):
if isinstance(message, (AIMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage, ToolMessage)):
return {
"content": message.content,
"additional_kwargs": message.additional_kwargs,
"response_metadata": message.response_metadata if hasattr(message, 'response_metadata') else None,
"tool_calls": message.tool_calls if hasattr(message, 'tool_calls') else None,
"usage_metadata": message.usage_metadata if hasattr(message, 'usage_metadata') else None,
"id": message.id,
"role": getattr(message, 'role', None),
return message
def convert_to_serializable(data):
if isinstance(data, list):
return [convert_to_serializable(item) for item in data]
elif isinstance(data, dict):
return {k: convert_to_serializable(v) for k, v in data.items()}
elif isinstance(data, (AIMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage, ToolMessage)):
return message_to_dict(data)
return data
def beautify_output(data):
serializable_data = convert_to_serializable(data)
return json.dumps(serializable_data, indent=4)
def inter_graph_node(state: MessagesState):
messages = state['messages']
last_message = messages[-1].content
print("Inter Graph Node from Embedding Graph: ", last_message)
# save reuslt to .var env file
set_key(".vars.env", "EMBEDDING_GRAPH_RESULT", last_message)
load_dotenv(dotenv_path=".vars.env", override=True)
return {"messages": [{"role": "ai", "content": last_message}]}
def get_user_input(state: MessagesState):
messages = state['messages']
last_message_parquet_path = messages[-1].content
return {"messages": [{"role": "ai", "content": last_message_parquet_path}]}
# answer user different functions
def final_answer_user(state: MessagesState):
messages = state['messages']
#print("Message state: ", messages)
last_message = {"first_graph_message": messages[0].content, "second_graph_message": messages[1].content, "last_graph_message": messages[-1].content}
return {"messages": [{"role": "ai", "content": last_message}]}
def error_handler(state: MessagesState):
messages = state['messages']
last_message = messages[-1].content
with open("./logs/conditional_edge_logs.log", "a", encoding="utf-8") as conditional:
conditional.write(f"\n\nerror handler called: {last_message}\n\n")
return {"messages": [{"role": "ai", "content": f"An error occured, error message: {last_message}"}]}
# Internet search Agent Node
def internet_search_agent(state: MessagesState):
messages = state['messages']
print("message state -1: ", messages[-1].content, "\nmessages state -2: ", messages[-2].content)
# print("messages from call_model func: ", messages)
response = llm_with_internet_search_tool.invoke(messages[-1].content)
if ("success_hash" or "success_semantic" or "success_vector_retrieved_and_cached") in messages[-1].content:
print(f"\nAnswer retrieved, create schema for tool choice of llm, last message: {messages[-1].content}")
response = llm_with_internet_search_tool.invoke(f"to the query {messages[-2].content} we found response in organization internal documents with content and source id: {messages[-1].content}. Analyze thouroughly the answer retrieved. Correlate the question to the answer retrieved. Find extra information by making an internet search about the content retrieved to answer the question the best.")
# print("response from should_continue func: ", response)
# We return a list, because this will get added to the existing list
return {"messages": [response]}
# check if message is path or not, specially for the process query returned dataframe path or text state message. will be used in the conditional edge
def is_path_or_text(input_string: str) -> str:
Determines if the input string is a valid file path or just a text string.
input_string (str): The string to be checked.
str: 'path' if the input is a valid file path, 'text' otherwise.
# Normalize the path to handle different OS path formats
normalized_path = os.path.normpath(input_string)
# Check if the normalized path exists or has a valid directory structure
if os.path.exists(normalized_path) or os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(normalized_path)):
return "path"
return "text"
# `store_dataframe_to_db` conditional edge
def store_dataframe_to_db_conditional_edge_decision(state: MessagesState):
messages = state['messages']
last_message = messages[-1].content
with open("./logs/conditional_edge_logs.log", "a", encoding="utf-8") as conditional:
conditional.write(f"- last message: {last_message}")
if "error" in last_message:
with open("./logs/conditional_edge_logs.log", "a", encoding="utf-8") as conditional:
conditional.write(f"- error: {last_message}\n\n")
return "error_handler"
elif "success" in last_message:
with open("./logs/conditional_edge_logs.log", "a", encoding="utf-8") as conditional:
conditional.write(f"- success: {last_message}\n\n")
return "chunk_and_embed_from_db_data"
elif "text" in last_message:
with open("./logs/conditional_edge_logs.log", "a", encoding="utf-8") as conditional:
conditional.write(f"- text: {last_message}\n\n\n\n")
return "internet_search_agent"
with open("./logs/conditional_edge_logs.log", "a", encoding="utf-8") as conditional:
conditional.write(f"- error last: {last_message}\n\n")
return "error_handler"
# `chunk_and_embed_from_db_data` conditional edge
def chunk_and_embed_from_db_data_conditional_edge_decision(state: MessagesState):
messages = state['messages']
last_message = messages[-1].content
with open("./logs/conditional_edge_logs.log", "a", encoding="utf-8") as conditional:
conditional.write(f"- last message: {last_message}")
if "error" in last_message:
with open("./logs/conditional_edge_logs.log", "a", encoding="utf-8") as conditional:
conditional.write(f"- error: {last_message}\n\n")
return "error_handler"
elif "success" in last_message:
with open("./logs/conditional_edge_logs.log", "a", encoding="utf-8") as conditional:
conditional.write(f"- succes: {last_message}\n\n")
return "inter_graph_node"
return "error_handler"
# Initialize states
workflow = StateGraph(MessagesState)
# each node will have one function so one job to do
workflow.add_node("error_handler", error_handler)
workflow.add_node("get_user_input", get_user_input)
workflow.add_node("store_dataframe_to_db", store_dataframe_to_db)
workflow.add_node("chunk_and_embed_from_db_data", custom_chunk_and_embed_to_vectordb)
workflow.add_node("inter_graph_node", inter_graph_node) # create the function to save the state and have the next graph launched or not
workflow.add_node("internet_search_agent", internet_search_agent)
workflow.add_node("tool_search_node", tool_search_node)
workflow.add_node("answer_user", final_answer_user)
# edges
workflow.add_edge("get_user_input", "store_dataframe_to_db")
# `store_dataframe_to_db` conditional edge
#workflow.add_edge("store_dataframe_to_db", "chunk_and_embed_from_db_data")
#workflow.add_edge("store_dataframe_to_db", "internet_search_agent")
#workflow.add_edge("store_dataframe_to_db", "error_handler")
# `chunk_and_embed_from_db_data` conditional edge
#workflow.add_edge("chunk_and_embed_from_db_data", "inter_graph_node")
# tools
workflow.add_edge("internet_search_agent", "tool_search_node")
workflow.add_edge("tool_search_node", "inter_graph_node")
# answer user if error and stop graph or update intermediary state to activate next graph
workflow.add_edge("error_handler", "answer_user")
workflow.add_edge("answer_user", END)
workflow.add_edge("inter_graph_node", END)
checkpointer = MemorySaver()
embedding_graph = workflow.compile(checkpointer=checkpointer)
# using: INVOKE
final_state = embedding_subgraph.invoke(
#{ "query": UserInput.user_initial_input },
{"messages": [HumanMessage(content="initialize messages")]},
config={"configurable": {"thread_id": 11}}
# Get the final message
final_message = final_state["messages"][-1].content
print("Final Message:", final_message)
# query = "I am looking for japanese furniture and want to know if chikarahouses.com have those"
# using STREAM
# we can maybe get the uder input first and then inject it as first message of the state: `{"messages": [HumanMessage(content=user_input)]}`
def embedding_subgraph(parquet_file_path):
print("Embedding Graph")
count = 0
for step in embedding_graph.stream(
{"messages": [SystemMessage(content=parquet_file_path)]},
config={"configurable": {"thread_id": int(os.getenv("THREAD_ID"))}}):
count += 1
if "messages" in step:
print(f"Step {count}: {beautify_output(step['messages'][-1].content)}")
print(f"Step {count}: {beautify_output(step)}")
# display graph drawing
graph_image = embedding_graph.get_graph().draw_png()
with open("embedding_subgraph.png", "wb") as f:
if "success" in os.getenv("EMBEDDING_GRAPH_RESULT"):
# tell to start `retrieval` graph
return "retrieval"
return "error"
if __name__ == "__main__":
load_dotenv(dotenv_path=".vars.env", override=True)
parquet_file_path = os.getenv("PARQUET_FILE_PATH")
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