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Chikara Houses CoLiving "Netflix, Spotify or others"

Chikara Houses CoLiving "Netflix, Spotify or others"

It is not part of the culture here. Chikara Houses tend to be relaxing places but without any fiction.
Some fictions entring in your life might probably influence you to not perform, bringing some fear around you and inhibiting your creativity.

For example:

  • Chikara Houses TVs are used to pluggin your PC and watching more closely financial markets charts or opening your Discord community salon.

it is not about strict rules, in Sydney, we had girls having Netflix nights using the TV. It is more just to understand that screens might display some disturbing news which poluate your personal sphere and your subconscious mind.

The better yourself is waiting for you, start shifting to a Chikara Houses mindset!


Have a full overview of the Chikara Houses CoLiving Concept by entering in the different Chikara Houses Rules Rooms and Chikara Houses Needs Rooms:

9 Rules Rooms:

5 Needs Rooms:


Chikara Houses CoLiving "Netflix, Spotify or others"

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