Differences Between Sakura Tree and Plum Tree

Sakura Tree Of Plum Tree
This amazing separator retaining the sun lights has been used to create a relaxing atmosphere in Chikara Houses Sydney, Australia.
The owner has always believed that it was a Japanese Sakura tree. But when he hosted a Japanese Airbnb guest, the guest said that it was Chinese and that the tree is a plum tree which is starting at the end of February.
What interesting information. It added a bit more poetry to the scenery offered by the separator which became suddenly a little bit more precious to them.
Now, this Chikara Houses owner is suggesting and offering to guests a relaxing moment. They can use acupressure mat to release endorphins.
This is a valuable offer that guests appreciate. He is at the too with 5/5 stars and long very detailed guests reviews.
Chikara Houses the hub of success that you build yourself. A House of happiness. Gather your tribe and work hard in silence. Become independent and self-sufficient. Live in a shared space good for you.
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If you are wondering about what is the difference between cherry blossom and Sakura? or asking yourself: Is Cherry Blossom and Plum Blossom the same?
First let see some points that will help you find an answer:
- Petals: The Sakura flowers have a small split at the end of each petal.
- Leaves: Sakura tree leaves are green.
- Tree trunk: Sakura tree trunk presents some horizontal lines, like little splits (lenticels).
Whereas, the plum tree:
- Petals: No splits at the end of petals.
- Only one flower coming out of the bud.
- Leaves: Plum tree leaves are small and purple.
How do you identify a Sakura tree?
There is no precise answer but let's try to see some points:
- A bit of pink on a white flower.
- The umbrella shape of the crown.
- Leaves are green.
- New flowers pink then turning white before falling.
- The number of petals, starting from five to more. Kanzan variants have 28 petals for example.
- Flower scent with more experience you will be able to tell. (Not easy)
How do I identify a plum tree?
Some hints to help you identify plum tree:
- Reddish or purple leaves.
- Round buds, not ovals.
- No cluster of flowers, one bud for one flower.
- Sweet fragrance, nice flower smell.
- Petals do not have splits at the end.
Now, see the picture above and tell us what you think about it: Do you still think that it is a Sakura tree?
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